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Mina Protocol uses a proof of stake (PoS) consensus mechanism called Ouroboros Samasika.

Consensus is the process by which the network determines which information is retained in the blockchain. To learn more, see the Proof-of-Work vs Proof-of-Stake blog post.

How Ouroboros Samasika works is explained in this video:

Decentralization properties

Based on Cardano's PoS Ouroboros, Ouroboros Samisika is a secure PoS protocol with strong decentralization properties:

  • Can resolve long-range forks without relying on third parties to provide history
  • No staking minimum — You can produce blocks and receive block rewards based on your percentage of MINA staked on the network. Any user with any amount of MINA can receive these rewards.
  • No slashing — Mina protocol does not need explicit slashing, since the protocol already enforces the required level of correctness.

See How Ouroboros Samasika upholds Mina's goals of decentralization.