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Office Hours

Talk with someone while you get started or when you need help

zkApps Developers Office Hours

On every Tuesday 16.00-17.00 UCT and every Saturday 08.00-09.00 UCT, Mina Foundation and o1Labs cohost online office hours to help zkApp developers. You can join to ask your o1js / Mina related questions, share and get feedback on your zkApp ideas, meet new developers, find team members for your ongoing ZK projects, or just to have a chat! Instead of creating an official or formal environment, our goal with the office hours is to make the developer community inside the Mina ecosystem more familiar with each other, and give the developers a chance to chat with Mina Foundation, o1Labs members, and other experienced o1js developers. Come to ask any questions — beginner to advanced!

Register for upcoming zkApps Developer Office Hours.


For a quicker response, you can ask questions and search for similar previous questions in the #zkapps-developers channel or #zkapps-questions forum on Mina Protocol Discord.