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Mina Signer

The Mina Signer is a NodeJS SDK which allows you to sign strings, payments, and delegations using Mina's key pairs for various specified networks.

See the Mina Signer repository for installation and usage instructions.

Migration from o1labs/client-sdk to mina-signer

The signing library o1labs/client-sdk was deprecated some time ago and will stop working after the Mina mainnet upgrade. All users should upgrade to use the mina-signer library.

Below you will find an example of how to use the mina-signer library. Please keep in mind the following:

  1. Make sure to adjust the nonce to the correct nonce on the account you want to use as "sender"
  2. Update the url variable with an existing Mina Node GraphQL endpoint
import { Client } from 'mina-signer';

// create the client and define the keypair

const client = new Client({ network: 'testnet' }); // Mind the `network` client configuration option

const senderPrivateKey = 'EKFd1Gx...'; // Sender's private key
const senderPublicKey = 'B62qrDM...'; // Sender's public key, perhaps derived from the private key using `client.derivePublicKey(senderPrivateKey)`;

// define and sign payment

let payment = {
from: senderPublicKey,
to: 'B62qkBw...', // Recipient public key
amount: 100,
nonce: 1,
fee: 1000000,

const signedPayment = client.signPayment(payment, senderPrivateKey);

// send payment to graphql endpoint

const url = '';

const sendPaymentMutationQuery = `
mutation SendPayment($input: SendPaymentInput!, $signature: SignatureInput!) {
sendPayment(input: $input, signature: $signature) {
payment {
const graphQlVariables = {
signature: signedPayment.signature,
const body = JSON.stringify({
query: sendPaymentMutationQuery,
variables: graphQlVariables,
operationName: 'SendPayment',

const paymentResponse = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

const paymentResponseJson = await paymentResponse.json();
if (paymentResponse.ok) {
console.log(`Transaction hash: ${}`);
} else {